Frequently Asked Questions
Family Constellation Therapy
It is technique created by the German psychotherapist, philosopher, theologian, and pedagogue Bert Hellinger in 1978.
Family Constellation is a family configuration tool that allows us to become aware of our position within our family system. It also helps us to bring to light what is hidden in the system.
It is not a guessing process, nor a crystal ball, astral map, or taro. It is just a representation or configuration. Family constellation should also not be treated as therapy, where the facilitator runs the risk of being influenced by listening to what the client believes to be true. The facilitator is only an intermediary in the process, without showing judgment, partiality, or party.
At first it is necessary to give a space of silence in the heart, it is something deep in your system that is shown, and you became aware of. “In gathering we preserve strength."
After Systemic mentoring sessions will help the client to act upon the new perception of their reality.
It can help you to break dysfunctional or harmful patterns in your personal life, in your relationships or even in your professional life that might be related to dynamics that were present in your family of origin.
It can helps a couple to get a better understanding from each other’s history and how their families of origin affect what they each bring to the relationship.
The client must bring a current complaint, where it is up to him to change the situation. It needs to be a real, concrete complaint.
Family Constellation is based on Systemic Laws, or Orders of love: Law of belonging, Law of order and Law of balance.
Yes, you can. Family Constellations can be setting as a group or as an individual.
It is a alternative medicine based on the principle that each organ, gland, physiological function corresponds to a specific area or point of the body. As the name implies, is a technique that uses the REFLEX form in the same way as Acupuncture.
It is a powerful treatment that can helps you to:
- Combat stress
- Combat problems of the digestive system and female reproductive system
- Relieves back and joint pain
- treats disorders such as depression, insomnia, anxiety
- Help with traumas
- Migraines
- It restore the good circulation
- brings balance to your metabolism and gives you well-being.
In your first session your therapist will make a general assessment of your physical and emotional state and will draw up with you a plan of how many sessions it would be important, some clients after feeling the benefits decide to continue having weekly sessions or twice a month for an indefinite period.
Reflexology sessions are performed in person in the comfort and convenience of the client's own home.